A carpet cleaning wand is a piece of equipment that connects to a carpet extractor and extracts hot or cold water. It also includes a suction head and detergent jets. Some of them are telescoping and may be adjusted to an appropriate length.
A wand is typically made of stainless steel and can be in a single bend or dual bend design with a certain number of jets. There are also “low profile” wands that have less height and are easier to use underneath furniture.
Some wands have an agitation feature that combines the movement of the wand shoe with the injection of water/cleaning solution and vacuum airflow, helping to remove soils. This feature is particularly important in high-traffic areas, as it ensures that the carpet gets the most thorough cleaning possible.
Proper agitation is essential to the extraction process as it allows cleaning chemicals to dwell on the carpet for a few minutes, removing maximum amount of soils before they are extracted out of the carpet. Some wands even feature atomization, which uses high-speed moisture control to agitate the carpet fibers and help to remove more soil.
Streaking is a normal result of the extraction process, but a more sophisticated wand drains and removes moisture from rug fibers more completely to reduce this issue. Early wands are more likely to leave streaks, but more advanced ones are not as susceptible.
If you’re looking for a wand that will offer exceptional performance and durability, you should check out the GlideMaster 2-Jet S-Bend Wand. It produces 1200 PSI and is rated for long term use. It’s a sturdy and trustworthy carpet cleaning tool that will provide excellent results in any circumstance.