Why Retaining Wall Repair Is Necessary

Why Retaining Wall Repair Is Necessary

Retaining walls serve a vital function, helping to stabilize steep slopes and prevent soil collapse. When they begin to fail, Retaining wall repair may be necessary to prevent property damage, personal injury and costly soil loss. Whether it’s an existing or new wall, the right steps can help preserve its longevity and structural integrity.

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Crumbling Mortar

As a retaining wall ages, the mortar can deteriorate due to weather or poor construction. This weakens the structure, reducing its ability to resist soil pressure and potentially causing it to collapse. Getting this problem addressed promptly can reduce the risk of collapse and save you money in the long run.

Water Damage

Invasive vegetation, groundwater saturation and excess rainfall can cause serious problems for retaining walls. This is especially true of concrete and masonry walls, which can be significantly damaged by water seepage. In some cases, extensive leaking can compromise the foundation of your wall and lead to expensive replacement or even collapse.

Your retaining wall is leaning to one side

A leaning retaining wall can be a major safety issue and must be repaired as soon as possible. The most common causes of a leaning retaining wall include over-extension, excessive pressure, or poor drainage. The solution is to install tiebacks or anchors to rebalance the retaining wall and prevent future collapse.

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